Friday, May 23, 2008

my sister rocks

Yay for the blog and for an easier way to stay in touch since it seems we are all so busy!

I'm still living it up in San Diego for the summer, and then probably heading to the bay area in August. I just spent a couple of nights camping in Utah and hiking with some of my girlfriends at Zion and Bryce Canyons -- good times. Am very excited for my next travel weekend - a visit to Ohio in June....

Also, I just want to say I'm glad that the Herberts have a collectively high IQ [it's e when you're b!]. Bloggers with bad grammar and spelling (or those who don't understand homophones) are not permitted to post on our family blog :)

Much love to you all!!


Andy and Jenni said...

So, Sis, I did it - just for you. I hope people aren't scared off by your comment about bad writers not being allowed... I know some smart people who don't write well. I will make you an administrator of the blog, so you can go in and make corrections :)

Andy and Jenni said...

Please tell me that is a Missouri hat in the bottom right corner.


rht said...

Both my daughters rock -- this is fun stuff!