Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hey everyone!

Many thanks to Jenni for starting this blog. I think it's a great way for everyone to stay in touch :) I'm not great at blogging, even being one of the youngest here, but this is something that I can get on board with.

I hope everyone is doing well and it's so exciting to see what everyone is up to these days. As for me, I recently moved to Colorado and have started a nursing program here. I'll be graduating next summer, and from there have no idea where I'll be moving. I'm excited about it nevertheless. As a recap for my family, Suzie and Scott are still making it in Birmingham, with only Allie left living there. Allie will be starting her senior year in August and then she'll be heading to college somewhere. Josh and Will are still doing their thing in L.A. and loving it. Hopefully we'll be able to get the rest of them into posting here as well. The internet is certainly a great resource. I'm off to work on some homework for the evening. Take care! Talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

Andy and Jenni said...

Whitney, thanks for taking time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to post - it was good to read all about what your family has been up to. If you ever have nursing questions, you should ask Kate or Andy - they're both awesome nurses -- and soon you will be, too!