Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's not the ghosts and monsters that are scaring me this year -- it's the news. But then I get some great email from Kate, or a new picture of Celia from Jenni & Andy -- or Diana makes me laugh -- or Jeannie helps me solve a problem -- or I listen to Danny spout something wonderful in Italian (as a result of spending hours with his Rosetta Stone lessons) -- or brother John and I argue* about whether Issue 6 is good for Ohio -- or Katie Herbert walks over & stays for dinner -- or Owynn agrees to help me sell something on Craigslist -- and I am somehow less afraid. Living without electricity for 5 days following the "remnants of Ike" windstorm that blew through Ohio last month made me think a lot about the word powerless. The lights are back on, and I know I'm never Powerless -- but I thought I'd let you all know that this fall I am feeling especially grateful for this great big wonderful family. Heads up to the west coast folks -- Kate's planning to run the Pasadena Half-Marathon on Sunday, November 16 -- before heading home for Thanksgiving.

* Most Herberts & Herbertians get that arguing is not at all the same as fighting, but I wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding there.